South Africa - selected archival material from the 50s and 60s
In the process of working through my personal archives, I have come across some interesting data I collected which may be of general interest to researchers in various fields dealing with pre-1994 South Africa, outside the arts. This data is incomplete, but still of interest to historians.
Please click on the following headings for further details:
South African food exports to Africa
Agimpex (Pty) Ltd., Johannesburg
Fresh Cape Fruit by sea to Ghana + Nigeria 1958/59 season
Kallos & Son (Pty) Ltd., Cape Town + Johannesburg
AGENCIES (including Deciduous Fruit Board, Citrus Board, Potato Board, Dairy Industry Board)
Canestra Shark and Shark Fins - 17.1.1959
Canned Fish - "Glenryck", "Twinfish", "Ocean Fresh" brands - 26.9.1958
Citrus Fruit - 1959 season: prices
Citrus Fruit - 1959 season: count specifications
Continental Brand Delicatessen - 29.5.1959
Dried Fruit "Rose" & "Springbok" - 2.4.1959
Dried Shark - 22.5.1959
Frozen Fish "Ocean Fresh" brand - 12.5.1959
Langeberg Co-Operative Ltd. - KOO, LKB, Hugo, Ashton - prices delivery West Africa - 28.1.1959
Lecol Squashes - 20.8.1958 (in French)
Paraffin candles "Leading" brand - 20.3.1959
Portland Cement "Eland" Brand - 20.5.1959
Potatoes - 18.2.1958 (similar quotes for Lagos, Port Harcourt, Accra, Takoradi, Freetown
Robertsons Food Products - 28.5.1959
Tomango Brand - 25.10.1958
SA food processors:
This page is maintained by F.F. Haenggi who lived in South Africa between 1954 and end of 1993 - if you need further details, please contact "info at" - updated 1st May, 2008